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About Ashley's Kloset

Ashley’s Kloset is an Arkansas 501(c)3 nonprofit providing families caring for children with disabilities with the resources needed to get through difficult times. We know that life challenges can be unexpected and come in many forms. And the waitlist for disability support programs can be long. We seek to fill that gap and give families the support they need to get back on track.

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Our Origin Story

Ashley was our bright shining, Angel. She was always happy and smiling; especially known for her contagious smile. The oldest of our three children, she was born with spastic cerebral palsy, never learning to walk, talk, feed herself, or just take care of her basic needs—she was totally dependent upon us for her care. And take care of her we did —so much so, that some considered her absolutely spoiled. When Ashley passed away in 2017, during Pastor’s eulogy, he remarked, “Ashley was pampered, and she knew it.” And indeed, she did!


Parenting a child with a disability comes with unique challenges; it can be exhausting, overwhelming, demanding, and rewarding all at the same time. Ashley required a lot of care, including adaptive equipment, therapies, and was frequently in and out of the hospital. As a middle-income family, we struggled financially at times, working two or more jobs to stay afloat. When seeking help through various assistance programs, it seemed our income was either too much to receive assistance, or not enough to get everything Ashley needed when needed. Through these challenges, Ashley was warm and loving, her smile and laughter infectious—we would find ourselves laughing with her for no apparent reason; always reminded that she was a rare gift from God; our joy and a blessing in which He entrusted us to care for.


I struggled to clean out her closet when she passed; I desperately felt the need to hang on. By the end of 2023, I was finally able to relinquish most of her things, gifting some to several people and donating the rest to various charities. But her pair of camel hair cowboy boots gifted to her one Christmas by her Aunt K I just couldn’t part with. Lord, why can’t I let go of these boots—they’re just boots!


So, I’ve held on to those boots. It may seem silly, but every time I look at those boots, I see Ashley wearing them, I see that contagious smile, and hear her infectious laugh. Ashley was always happy, living life at its best because she knew she was blessed. We loved her hard, learned much from her, and I found joy in being her mom.


Inspired by my inability to part with those boots, Ashley’s Kloset serves as a resource for local families who have children with disabilities facing adversity. It is our hope that we can lighten the burden and help families overcome life’s adversities with joy and a smile.


Ashley’s Mom,


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